Monday 16 March 2020


It's a long time since I wrote a blog. Yes, I wrote a lot after the death of my parents, also, I added in some posts on other topics too but then "just living my life" all that got in the way...

Today however, life has taken a strange new direction - not just for me but everyone... A few weeks ago, COVID-19 was greeted with many jokes about it's 'almost friendly Corona name' when we first started to hear about it. I doubt, there are any educated who are so jovial about the virus now.

Social media is awash with conspiracy theories and misinformation. I do not want to add to the negatives. But, I do feel like I want to say something - even if that is to just repeat the sensible advice which is out there. I am a down to earth, feet on the ground type of soul. And, I also have experience in marketing (particularly in respect of information to be shared to try and inform people so that their actions do not lead to negative outcomes, in this case, the spread of the virus). Who knows, maybe I will not feel 'the need' to continue writing about this. I make no promises but it is as if my part of the world woke up this weekend to the threat (the very real threat) that this disease can kill. That the stories we heard in China, then from Italy - that actually, the virus and frightening stories have come to our shores and no, life will not be the same again (maybe ever but certainly, not 'business as usual' for a very, very long time).

Today, I have already shared to instagram and my facebook page the above photo - for now, I won't repeat all the message here (you can look it up if you wish ). I guess that here, I just want to add in a personal side of life, the thoughts from my life as, just another person who is watching, waiting and wondering - "where will all this go?".

From Autumn 2019 to Spring 2020, I have worked in the NHS, in a role connected to marketing but not specifically on health issues. However, at Christmas I did circulate posters around my building to try and minimise the spread of Norovirus (the winter vomiting bug). I was opening door handles with tissues, keeping my distance from folk where I could, washing my hands (many, many times each day) and yet - I still got Norovirus. Goodness, how sick I was and then, I felt pretty awful for a couple of weeks. And, it was over that time, that I began to hear about this new virus and - it alarmed me right from the beginning (because of all I have learnt from previous studies I have done on the spread of disease and how people tend NOT to think that it could happen to them... until it does. So, they don't take preventative measures or sensibly change their behaviour in time).

From the start of 2020, events progressed and then, there I was (just before I left) assisting my NHS Communications team, helping them circulate information, putting up Coronavirus information posters. 

My fixed term contract drew to a close but, what personal events... a death in my family happened and there I was, now not at work, organising a funeral and about to move in to a new job... But actually, having to take some BIG decisions very quick - having to reassess the situation. I wanted to work but decisions were now influenced on "if I choose this or that job - will the work still be there as COVID-19 progresses? Events continued and by 13 March it was the day of the family funeral. And how quickly things were now unfolding as numbers moved upwards. The Minister having to make a statement at the funeral. And me, having to make this one as folks travelled to the service. Knowing that, something as natural as a handshake or a hug could pass on a virus (if with anyone, it's sight to go unseen for days until it would be spread to another... and another).

Life has changed at great speed and it is still changing. Any difference I could make, I think, has to be less than minimal ( drop in an ocean). Nevertheless, I feel the need to put something out there to at least be a voice which is passing on, either solid information or just highlighting the power of holding positive thoughts. Therefore, in this blog (my first on Coronavirus) - I want to end with just one simple statement. By educating yourself you can lower your risk of you getting the virus and, at the same time, minimise the numbers that you, yourself will impact as you pass on the virus. Therefore, keep in mind (yes, all the guidance such as washing your hands, social distancing etc) but also keep in mind that:


To close, I share with you my personal story of today 

1. from a friend, I received by post 20 paracetamol. He told me he had searched his house, found 30, he had kept 10 and wanted me to have 20 (myself living in a city, him in a rural area, he thought I might need these before him). 

What scarce supplies there are in Edinburgh shops, at the moment, of things like paracetamol. Now, the other thing most missing is not a medicine but highly recognised. 

To my house, arrived another friend this morning... For three weeks toilet rolls have vanished from Edinburgh shops. And, err, she just wanted to give me a pack (she had kept another pack for her self). 

Such gestures of kindness and friendship - they are small things but also, these are the sort of things which actually, are NOT so small (they all add up). Living life, in this way of thinking about others - that's what we need to do more of right now. Don't wait for the Govt to tell you to distance yourself from others (for their benefit and your own), do it now. Lets everyone do what they can to reduce the speed that this virus transfers. Lets do all we can to lower the curve of the COVID-19 graph. Protect your own health and the health of others.

Onwards and upwards everyone. Wishing you all the best, Shona x

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